Bushey Cricket Club

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Bushey Cricket Club News story

Message from Club President

19 Dec 2018

Dear Members,

I would particularly like to welcome a number of new members that will I am sure help to strengthen our Club.  You are most welcome!

Yet again our youth teams have done very well and I am certain that a number of Senior Clubs are envious of their achievements. This additionally reflects well on our Club.  I would take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to all the coaches for the time they have given to these promising boys.  It also follows that the captains of our current adult teams give the boys the opportunity to play regularly in those respective teams so that the Club in years to come will be, yet again, a force in Hertfordshire cricket!. I would like to think that their fixtures are notified to all senior member so they can attend and give the boys support and encouragement at their respective games.

I am prone to recite a paragraph from Bob Simons excellent book entitled Cricket in Hertfordshire in which he states “Which Club in Hertfordshire has provided the County with four captains two Hon.  Secretaries the batsman with the best average and the second most prolific batsman?  It may surprise some of today’s cricketers to learn that the answer is Bushey” That is the level we should be aiming for!

In the recent newsletter mention is made of some Committee vacancies which do need to be filled so please don’t be shy and volunteer to fill one of those roles.  Clubs generally are run by volunteers and our Club is no exception.

I hope this season our players play the game competitively but with a smile on their face and that the respective Captains stop all this nonsensical back chat that blights the game in my opinion.  The players should let their ability to play the game do all the talking.

Let’s have a great year!


Robin Nichols